I actually did some game development this week (sort of)! Most of my time was spent on the usual: transcribing my journals, playing Root, and eating out too much. I also had a game development idea that I wanted to start working on. Instead of sitting on the idea and doing nothing, I sent it to my friend and collaborator Auren (astaari).
Within three days, he had a basic concept set up in our Godot project. It is not exactly what I had in mind, but it is a step in that direction. The current implementation inverts the player movement once they are within a certain area of the enemy. Here's a brief demonstration. It works most of the time, but not consistently.
It's not a lot, and it's not anything I made myself, but it's something. If Auren is up for it, I may shoot more ideas his way and see what happens.
Until then!